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GET Results Letters events

Request results letters events with a client program.



GET {clientId}/api/v1/letters-feed?programName=someProgram&startDate=01/01/2000&startEvent=date_eventId

The GET Results letters events endpoint requires the following information in the headers of an HTTP request:

HTTP HeaderDescription
AuthorizationThe HTTP Authorization request header contains the credentials to authenticate a user agent with a server.
AcceptThe HTTP Accept request header contains information about the content types, expressed as MIME types, that the client can understand. The MIME type for the GET Results letters events request is application/json

Path parameters

clientIdThe clientId is a unique code that is provided by LetsGetChecked. The code is a number between 0 and 9999.stringRequired

Query parameters

programNameThe LetsGetChecked program namestringRequired
startDateThe start date from which a client wants to start their query. LetsGetChecked expects an ISO 8601 UTC date formatstringRequired (if no startEvent is provided)
startEventGet events published after a specific event. The event key is composed by the event creation timestamp and the event idstringRequired (if no startDate is provided)


Status Codes

Status CodeDescription
200Returned whenever one or more result letter events are found.
400Returned whenever a param is send in an invalid format.
401Returned whenever the Authorization header is not sent or is not a valid one.
404Returned whenever a result letter event is not found.
503Returned whenever the service is unavailable.
500Returned whenever some generic error occurred in the server.

The sample response is a single JSON object that contains the following fields:

next_urlNext url to use to get the next batch of eventsstring
itemsItems associated with the results letterlist of objects(item)
item/idThe unique id of the eventstring
item/urlThe url to download the letter related to the eventstring
item/date_publishedThe timestamp for published event, in UTC time, in ISO 8601 formatstring
item/_dataSpecific information associated with the results letter including results letter type, program name and barcodeobject(_data)
item/_data/typeThe results Letter type. The following values are possible:
  • patient
  • pcp
  • string
    item/_data/programNameThe LetsGetChecked program namestring
    item/_data/barcodeFormatted as LGC-0000-0000-0000, where 0 indicates any digitstring

    Sample Response

    "next_url": "{LGC-API}/1111/api/v1/letters-feed?programname=TestProgram&startEvent=638090378343289129_acddc326-866f-4081-a7cf-6e4e47376f68",
    "items": [
    "id": "2b0fca70-3428-49f7-bb43-f1f594897365",
    "url": "{LGC-API}/api/v1/letters/patient_LGC-2787-3959-3483",
    "date_published": "2022-11-09T14:56:49.959516Z",
    "_data": {
    "type": "patient",
    "programName": "TestProgram",
    "barcode": "LGC-2887-3959-3483"
    "id": "7bff71d7-de37-4b1e-a4a8-38adee3c2a0e",
    "url": "{LGC-API}/api/v1/letters/patient_LGC-8522-6687-9040",
    "date_published": "2022-11-10T12:00:34.6678993Z",
    "_data": {
    "type": "pcp",
    "programName": "TestProgram",
    "barcode": "LGC-8622-6687-9040"

    The Get Results Letters Events pagination
    The request for results letters events only brings a set of events (10), the rest of events the user can get by using the value that comes in the property next_url on the response. After requesting the events, the user should save this url, in order to keep getting new events in the subsequent requests.

    If the request brings all the events or the client reached the end of the pagination the next_url will bring the following response:

    "next_url": null,
    "items": []